
The Department of 地球与海洋科学 at Bowdoin is a place for all.

这是一个来自不同背景的学生和学者都属于的地方, and where diverse experiences and perspectives are critically important to shaping 我们的 understanding of the natural world, 人类对我们世界的影响, 以及我们的未来. 我们的工作促进了对地质学的认识, 海洋, 以及气候过程, and we explore the complex interactions among natural processes and how they impact society.  

我们认识到,历史上我们的学科偏爱白人, 身体健全的顺性/变性男性,排斥其他人. 值得庆幸的是, 这种差距正在全国范围内得到承认, 该学科内部的多样性正在扩大. In EOS, we are taking actions to foster inclusion, equity, diversity, and accessibility within 我们的 我们系和我们的学科. 

我们正在修改课程 to center the experiences, histories, and contributions of historically excluded groups. 在我们的课堂上, 研讨会, 实验室, 实地工作, 我们正在使我们教授的学者多样化,包括来自布莱克的贡献, 土著, 亚裔美国人, 太平洋岛民, 和拉丁裔/a/x科学家. 我们认识到EOS研究有能力提供, 或剥夺, 资源群落, 政策, 和监管. 不同的认知方式是有价值的, 在现实世界中,有很多声音为科学做出贡献也是有好处的.

我们提供多种参与方式. EOS发生在教室里, 实验室, 还有田野, and 我们的 learning activities are designed to welcome all students to all these spaces. Our classrooms are accessible to all learners and are equipped with technology that assists learning. 我们的实验室是为公平使用而设计的, 包括可调节的实验工作台, 椅子, 还有易接近的兜帽. Our microscopy lab has two large computer monitors that project microscope data in real time, 我们有专门的玻璃来提高光谱的灵敏度. C我们的se research projects use computation and modeling to address research questions using large datasets. 我们在更容易进入的实地地点开发了实验室. We have designed field protocols to foster a sense of community and to ensure safety for all participants. 

我们正在打开我们认为在我们的领域开创性研究的经典. Earth science and oceanography have implications for communities around the world. Some of society’s greatest challenges include interpreting and predicting Earth’s response to climate change, all of which disproportionately impacts populations that over time have been segregated and marginalized to more vulnerable geographic areas. 无论是国内还是全球, 土著, 黑色的, and Latinx communities are also disproportionately impacted by natural res我们的ce extraction. Addressing these issues will require the talents of many people who can contribute a wide range of insights and knowledge. 

我们正在拓宽提问的类型, pushing past the boundaries of what has traditionally been considered science: What steps do we need to take to manage fresh water supplies for humanity now and in the future? How can we feed a growing population and provide a 可持续发展的 supply of energy? 当前的变化率与过去相比如何, 以及过去变化的后果? How do we help cultivate climate resilience, especially for those who are most vulnerable? 

我们正在培养学生成为未来的科学家, 政策制定者, 记者, 艺术家, 还有其他——解决世界上一些最紧迫的问题. Earth and 海洋 science is local and global; it is of the past, 现在, 和未来的. 这是一个每个人都属于的地方. 我们决心把布莱克带来, 土著, and other individuals who have been historically excluded from 我们的 discipline to the forefront of 我们的 study in classes, 实验室, 研讨会, 和实地考察, and to focusing on actions that will contribute to a future that is equitable and just.